Benefits of habit “Say hi to your neighbors”

✓ Creates friendlier community
✓ Establishes good relationships
✓ Helps move causes along
✓ Improves overall mood of the neighborhood

First step:

Once per day


1. Whenever there’s an opportunity, say hello to your neighbor. Say it clearly, not just polite smile or a nod. If they are willing, chat with them for a minute.
2. Do so at every presented opportunity and take time to talk longer.

Helpful tips to make it a habit:

✓ Trigger your mind. While you can’t always see your neighbors and say your hellos, whenever there’s an opportunity, make sure to push yourself towards them and say your hello. Trigger yourself with a stronger step or a jolt to yourself.
✓ Let the app help. While it can’t alert you when it’s say that hello ahead of time, try making notes in the app’s calendar of every day you did say hello. That way, you will see how close you are to doing it every day.
✓ Reward yourself. Once your good deed has warmed up your neighbors, take a step further and celebrate your new connection with a cake or some muffins at their door.
✓ Celebrate small victories. Every time you perform this habit, congratulate yourself! Say “I’m awesome” or “I’m so cool” out loud and with a smile on your face.

Tips for beginners:

✓ Relationship benefits. Keeping good relationship with your neighbors can have many benefits. From keeping you up to date with changes in trash collection schedule to helping you move projects along in your neighborhood or babysitting your children. All these are benefits a good neighbor can grant you if you put in the initial effort.
✓ Listen. A lot of times, even if you won’t become best of friends, it is useful to take time to listen to your neighbor’s grievances or joys. Just the gesture of taking your time can go a long way.