Benefits of habit “Track time of your activities”
✓ Boost productivity
✓ Eliminates time wasting
✓ Reduces stress and anxiety
✓ Helps managing workload
First step:
1 activity every day
1. Today, take one activity you do every day and track the time it takes you to do it. Do this every day with the same activity for a week and note down the times.
2. Next week, pick another 2 activities and track their times too.
3. Keep increasing the number of activities you track until you know how much time it takes to do every activity every day.
Helpful tips to make it a habit:
✓ Trigger your mind. Have a note somewhere visible to remind you to track your time.
✓ Let the app help. Track the days you missed tracking on a calendar and set a reminder to ring in the morning to start tracking.
✓ Reward yourself. Once you know how your time is divided, celebrate by going out one night and using the time you saved away from work.
✓ Celebrate small victories. Every time you perform this habit, congratulate yourself! Say “I’m awesome” or “I’m so cool” out loud and with a smile on your face.
Tips for beginners:
✓ Observe your time. When you note how much each task takes to do, see what type of tasks take the most time and which ones take the least. Prioritize and organize you tasks according to this information and use it to your advantage.
✓ Time wasters. Some tasks may take long time and be insignificant compared to some other urgent tasks that really do make an impact. Prioritize those tasks that are urgent and leave the long-taking, less important ones for later.